Walk: An Antithesis to the ‘Decisive Moment’


Depot Artspace • 2 June - 20 June

6:00pm on Friday 1 June
12-4.30pm Mon, 10-4.30pm Tues - Sat, 11-3pm Sunday
28 Clarence Street, Devonport, Auckland 0624
Linda Jarrett

The ‘Decisive Moment’, a well-known term associated with Henri Cartier Bresson, relates to a frozen moment, capturing a significant event as a precise organisation of forms. If capturing the decisive moment is a way of freezing the moment: capturing a slice of time, then what is the antithesis?

Walk is a series of contemporary abstract images that capture the antithesis of the decisive moment. Not a frozen moment in time, but many moments in one, insignificant, imprecise and disorganised. Captured whilst walking locally, these images are more about the things we don’t see rather than the things we do.

Linda Jarrett

Linda Jarrett


Depot Artspace Circle White Stacked copy

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