2009 : 06 June Metrolink Bus Pix

Kevin Mansell; What happened?
David Cotton; Connecting Auckland; Auckland Bridge from Birkenhead point
Richard Mayes; Girlfriend Passing; Britomart
Ben Brown; Phasing; Shot cnr Customs and Queen Streets   entire phasing of traffic lights captured with long exposure
Richard Mayes; Route 297; Wellesley St
Richard Mayes; Mystery Ride; Britomart
Ben Brown; Friday Night; Shot on Queen Street using long exposure technique
John Rawson; Queen St; Civic Theatre and Photography Festival banner reflecting the diversity of Auckland City MetrOlink an essential part
Ben Brown; Rush Hour; Shot on Albert Street using long exposure technique
Jason Richard Webb; Bus Window; My friend looks out the bus window. We could only grab glimses of the golden dawn breaking down at the water's edge as we speed through Ponsonby towards work.
Yvette Benbrook; Fall; This was taken at the civic center bus stop in town, the epitomy of fall
Katherine Rawson; Metrolink

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