2007 : 04 April Billboard

Zelda Wynn; Spirit of New Zealand; Auckland Tallships Festival 2006. Auckland city's Sky Tower standing proud.
Zelda Wynn; Wild West Coast; A photo captured while walking on one of the many tracks in the Waitakere Ranges. Looking South towards Manukau Heads.
Toni Tanner; Flower power
George Passmore; Face in the clouds
Lyall Reynolds; Fun with Dad; Grandaughter Chloe Reynolds
Lyall Reynolds; Don't look behind you; Shasta the Balanese stalking a mouse
Stuart Broughton; Highlife Herne bay
Stuart Broughton; Absence
Leo Dottridge; Darren Mathiassen; Phoenix Festival '07, Basque Park
Juha Saarinen; Sun through tree by Ngataringa Bay; Lucky shot with a Nikon D70 of the sun in winter shining through a tree in Devonport, Ngataringa Bay
Martin Horspool; back tat; colourful character at the Pheonix Festival
Steve Beguely; Rehearsal for Polyfest; Samoan Students at a West Auckland school give their all in preparation for the stage at Polyfest

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