Introduction - Auckland Photo Blog

APB Archive

ABOUT: an extensive archive of over 14,000 photographs

Since 2006 photographers of all ages and abilities have been invited to capture the spirit of Auckland through the lens of a camera. The collection of photographs is kept in an archive for future exhibition online and to provide a visual resource for the region. All images submitted are available to view for reference, research and also for use for agreed purposes under licence.

The goal is to provide a collective, community digital meeting place for photography in the Auckland region. Photography has today become a way for people of all ages to express themselves, can broaden the awareness and perception of the audience and the parties on each side of the lens beyond the confines of the frame to stir the imagination, becoming a source of inspiration.

If you are on instagram we encourage you to follow @ImageAuckland - a collective, community digital meeting place for photography in the Akl region, we share imagery from the archive. 

View thousands of Auckland photos including Photos of the Month: photo blogprevious photos' of the month - We hope you enjoy looking at the imagery and encourage you to share links of your favourites.



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