Kōwhai Residency

2024 Creator Kōwhai Residency artist announced

The Festival Trust are delighted to announce our next Creator 2024 Kōwhai Residency in Yōga, Tokyo is Ardit Hoxha, visual artist, from Auckland. The Residency supports travel to Japan for the selected artist, self-contained accommodation in Yōga, Tokyo and a weekly stipend so they can fully immerse in their project. They also have the opportunity to meet Japanese artists and educators to further absorb the knowledge from working artists’ lives in Tokyo. The Kōwhai Residency is an excellent opportunity for a comprehensive learning experience in a large, vibrant, multi-cultural city and our 4th placement and the perfect step for an international encounter in Japan to soak up the city and also gain knowledge from Japanese practitioners. More here.

Ardit Hoxha; Of Other Spaces series

Ardit Hoxha; Of Other Spaces series

This 2024 Kōwhai Residency programme is made possible by Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhon and we also acknowldge them for their foundational support of the development of the Kōwhai Residency in Yōga, Tokyo in 2022 and our inaugural research residency in Tokyo, 2023, and kudos to our support programme partner in Japan, Tokyo Institute of Photography.

October 2024.


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Theo Macdonald Sept 2024 update

Our unique 2024 Kōwhai Residency in Yōga, Tokyo for research is now concluded. Join Theo at 'Asia After Five' event, exploring contemporary Japanese art with presentations and Q + A, by 5 practitioners who have been in Japan in the last 12 months with the support of Asia New Zealand Foundation. Details - 30th October, 5.30pm to 7pm, free, bookings for catering numbers link.

In late August it was well underway and we have had good feedback from our 2024 research artist in residence, Theo, who was enjoying a dedicated photographic experience for a NZ photographer. His residency started at the beginning of August with weeks of high temperatures, bordering on excessive heat to navigate, Theo sent us an update on his time there in the first few weeks. We are thrilled to share this overview of what he’s been doing. His full update is available here in PDF form - Theo Macdonald; August 2024 update

Theo Mcdonald; Harajuku gathering area 2024

Image above by Theo Macdonald, Harajuku gathering area, 2024.

Kowhai Residency 2023 Sept Offer

The Kōwhai Residency (c) is for New Zealand photographic/visual imaging artists who are keen to take a step internationally and have professional development time in Japan. This is a photography based residency in one the world's best cities and is an exclusive cultural innovation for NZ - Japan photographic ties.

Creator Residency call for applications by artists was open 6th July to 18th July.

DEADLINE: 5pm Thurs 18th July 2024. Now Closed.

- assessment from end July
- announcement of the Kōwhai Residency in early Sept 2024

Full terms & conditions, plus application details: Kowhai Residency How To Apply July 2024

Please send application and support information to trust.photofestival@xtra.co.nz

Research Kōwhai Residency

The Kōwhai Residency (c) is for New Zealand photographic/visual imaging artists who are keen to take a step internationally and have professional development time in Japan. This is a photography based residency in one the world's best cities and is an exclusive cultural innovation for NZ - Japan photographic ties.

We are delighted to announce our 2024 Kōwhai Research Residency artist will be Theo Macdonald, a Auckland based photographer and moving image practitioner, who is going to continue his research, he says "I propose to travel to Tokyo to visit key research centres connected to Ōshima and fûkeiron. The objective of this research trip is to enrich my understanding of fûkeiron in the context of the urban landscape that initiated this movement."

Theo Mcdonald; Exhibition installation

Theo Macdonald; Exhibition installation

This 2024 Kōwhai Residency programme is made possible by Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhon and we also acknowldge them for their foundational support of the development of the Kōwhai Residency in Yōga, Tokyo in 2022 and our inaugural research residency in Tokyo, 2023, and kudos to our support programme partner in Japan, Tokyo Institute of Photography.

July 2024.


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Kōwhai Residency 2023 - Jenna Eriksen - "Kiku No Kamo" Tokyo, Japan

Kowhai Residency; Kiku No Kami - Jenna Eriksen

At Tokyo Institute of Photography, December 2023, with Jenna are Ihiro Hayami, Director and

Jenna Eriksen; Kowhai Residency- Kiku No Kami exhibition

Craig Cooper, Director, Arts at Asia New Zealand Foundation.

Jenna Eriksen; Kowhai Residency- Kiku No Kami Test 2 

Jenna Eriksen, test project, digital mirror. 2023 Tokyo. December 2023.

Creator Kōwhai Residency 2023 - Jenna Eriksen

Kowhai Residency 2023 Sept Offer

The Festival team are delighted with the response to the 2nd Kōwhai Residency in Yōga, Tokyo call for applications. Applications have now closed.

The Residency supports travel to Japan for the selected artist, self-contained accommodation in Yōga, Tokyo and a weekly stipend so they can fully immerse in their project. They also have the opportunity to meet Japanese artists and educators to further absorb the knowledge from working artists’ lives in Tokyo. The Kōwhai Residency is an excellent opportunity for a comprehensive learning experience in a large, vibrant, multi-cultural city and our 2nd placement and the perfect step for an international encounter in Japan to soak up the city and also gain knowledge from Japanese practitioners. We are delighted to announce our next artist in residence will be Jenna Eriksen, based in Wellington.

She says "I’m filled with excitement to be embarking on this odyssey of the Kōwhai Residency. I’m curious about what I will discover, observe and experience, how Tokyo’s intersection of culture, art and technology will influence and expand my practice from a philosophical, visual, technical and artistic point of view. I’m very much looking forward to discovering exhibitions and galleries with immersive, photo-real experiences as well as looking at traditional forms of art including painting, and performance-based works.". More here.

Jenna Eriksen; Previous project work

October 2023.


Artist talk, Hannah Rose Arnold - 22 March 2024

We'd held a unique gathering to hear artist Hannah Rose Arnold talk about her research and experiences in Tokyo, Japan during the Kōwhai Residency last year.

Hannah Rose Arnold; Kowhai Residency polaroids

Hannah is a graduate of the Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts at Unitec and an exhibiting photographer, her most recent show being Deep Burn Blues at Alberton House during the 2023 Auckland Festival of Photography. She is interested in the use of analogue and alternative photography to explore the intersection of people, land and spirituality in Aotearoa.

Hannah was the inaugural research Kōwhai Residency artist in 2023.

This Kōwhai Residency artist talk was at our communal shared office space – Fri 22 March. Level 17, Spaces, Commercial Bay Tower, 11 - 19 Custom St West, Auckland CBD 1010.
Hannah Rose Arnold; Kowhai Residency talk March 2024

Research Kōwhai residency 2023 - Hannah Rose Arnold

Auckland Festival of Photography and our project partner in Tokyo, T3 International Photo Festival, are in the placement stage of our new “Kōwhai Residency” (c) which opened for applications from NZ based practitioners and artists in June 2023.

Our inaugural 2023 Kōwhai Residency in Yōga, Tokyo for research has concluded in mid September and we have had good feedback from our inaugural research artist in residence, Hannah Rose Arnold. Hannah presented her research review at a talk for Tokyo Institute of Photography. We will be working with Hannah to share in Auckland at a artist talk, her experiences in a presentation about her time in Tokyo. It’s the first dedicated NZ photography residency programme to be established from New Zealand. The partnership is between Auckland Festival of Photography and T3 Photo Festival Tokyo, Japan. Hannah is a Unitec Design and Contemporary Art graduate (2018), her most recent show being Deep Burn Blues at Alberton House during the 2023 Auckland Festival of Photography. In 2019, her image The Rib Bone travelled as a finalist in the Wallace Art Awards, and The Tensile Strength of a Heartstring toured New Zealand and Australia as a finalist in the ANZ Photobook Awards.

Hannah Arnold; Talk at TIP 2023 A

Hannah presents her research review at a talk for Tokyo Institute of Photography, Japan.

Thanks to the generous support of Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhon, and our support programme in Japan, T3 Photo Festival Tokyo. This residency programme was made possible by Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhon for their foundational support of the development of the Kōwhai Residency in Yōga, Tokyo in 2022 and our inaugural research residency in Tokyo, 2023. Read more on the genesis of the Kōwhai Residency here.

September 2023


August 2023

Our research resident artist has been announced -

This August we are delighted to announce the first NZ photographer to undertake the Kōwhai Residency in Tokyo, Japan is Hannah Rose Arnold.

Hannah says “I am thrilled to be selected for the first Kōwhai Research Residency to Tokyo, and am excited to embark on this journey, fostering artistic relationships between our island nations. I have much respect and admiration for Japanese artisans, and am excited to exchange methodology, culture and inspiration.”

The inaugural Kōwhai Residency is for support of a artist to undertake new research in Japan and for the development of their photography practice. We aim for the residency to offer transformational outcomes for emerging / mid-career lens-based artists from Aotearoa who are well placed to capitalise on this unique and significant opportunity to gain international success in multiple specific outcomes and new pathways.

Thanks to the generous support of Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhon, and our support programme in Japan, Tokyo Institute of Photography.


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