2007 : 06 June Heart of the City

Tomislav; Victoria Park Market; In the morning usually no people there. This pic is my third choice.
Jack Lin; City; High Way To City
Janice Dunn; Britomart at Night; Until the man came to sit outside the photo looked wrong   but now?
Tomislav; Chain; Chain taken in Port Auckland opposit of Fish Market
Pauline White; I Love Auckland
Tomislav; People Talking; Muddy Farmer, Wyndham Street
Julia Cotton; Moonlight & Lamplight; This photo is not for the competition, as I dont want any prizes, but just wanted to share the photo on the blog. Taken at the back of the Aotea Center off Albert Street about 11pm
Janice Dunn; Arresting Viewing; All these signs seem to be telling us something   but what?
Janice Dunn; Time to mow the ivy; Just think, this is within 200 metres of Queen Street
Shelley Soppet; Reflections; Capture the Heart of the City everywhere
Shelley Soppet; Sky City Tower; The Heart of the City
Julia Cotton; Morning Misty; Taken from the balcony CBD looking towards St Mary's Bay

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