2007 : 06 June Heart of the City

Juliet Stanton: Coffee Break
Jacky Cheung; Perfect day; Clouds just passing through
Jacky Cheung; Good Morning Auckland; Sun light hitting the sky tower
Jacky Cheung; Night fall; Moon looking down CBD
Zelda Wynn; Changing Face of Auckland;
Zelda Wynn; Coffee Time;
Zelda Wynn; Vulcan Lane Entertainment;
John Valentine; At home in Queen St.;
Leo Van Lin; CBD   Day and night; Hospitality industry is, besides the variety of shops a main atraction for visitors from all over the world.
Leo Van Lin; Waterfront  Alive 24 / 7; Again showing that the centre of the city is vibrating day and night.
Leo Van Lin; CBD   The heart of the city, Alive 24/7; Compared to a few years ago. The CBD is buzzing 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
John Valentine; At home in Khartoum Place;

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