2007 : 06 June Heart of the City

Bruce Ross; Before transformaton 2
Rene Jansen; white lady;
Steve Beguely; autumn coats;
Steve Beguely; upwardly mobile;
Steve Beguely; two towers;
Charlotte Sadd; Down the road 2; see above
Charlotte Sadd; Down the road..; I came across this trailer after following the stencil artist Flox, and this is some of her work along with some other people in her crew.
Rosalea Bruce; Puddle Tower; in a puddle
Rosalea Bruce; Double trouble; by a building
Rosalea Bruce; Over hang; under the tower
Willow Harfleet; untitled;
Willow Harfleet; I Wonder; I just came out from the opening of photo day, and there was some Hara krishna's dancing, so invited them to my opening of Locals, I wonder if they will come.

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