2021 : 05 May Aotearoa Music Photo Award

Courtney Rodgers;Jazmine Mary ;Taken at the Wine Cellar, Auckland
Chris Melville;Bass Hands;Karika Turua, bass player
Chris Melville;Sailors;Graham Brazier and Harry Lyon from Hello Sailor
Chris Melville;Scream;Lukas Rossi, Rockstar Supernova, Vector Arena
Courtney Rodgers; Sulfate; Taken at the Wine Cellar, Auckland
Gebhard Krewitt; #0446	Elijah Paul Webby, 23, New Plymouth, NZL, qualified bricklayer   Bodean Davis, 20, New Plymouth, NZL, Busker;song4you: There is nothing nicer in Nelson than going to the market on a Saturday morning, meeting people, drinking a coffee and just inhaling the atmosphere. A part of this atmosphere is purely acoustic in nature and is created by the many street musicians and buskers, which you can see and hear on your way from the parking area to the sausage stall in the center of the market. One half of these musicians performing at the Saturday market are locals, the other half comes from many other places including overseas, to Nelson to a very grateful audience. In recent years, Gebhard Krewitt has photographed many of these musicians in his very own documentary way, in order to highlight the particularity of each individual musician.
Nick Paulsen;'Brothers in Arms' Delaney Davidson ;At Aucklands Civic Theatre in November 2020, Delaney Davidson is pictured singing 'Brothers in Arms' from the classic Dire Straits album.
Renati Waaka; He Tangata; Opening show for Wellington pride month
Renati Waaka; Jess B and crew; Jess B and crew backstage after opening for six60
Renati Waaka; Six60
Renati Waaka; Six60
Renati Waaka; Six60 crowd

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