2021 : 05 May Aotearoa Music Photo Award

nick gartner; Wellington on a Wednesday.
nick gartner; Harris at Moon
Patrick Rose; Turanga Porowini Morgan Edmonds;On November 27th of 2020, I got a message from Stonehurt’s Tim Hunt, who asked me if I’d like to showcase their opening act for Alien Weaponry’s Level 1 Tour. I never heard or met Alien Weaponry before, neither did I know that they were one of the top NZ metal bands next to Devilskin. I agreed to the offer, and I was jaw dropped to see that I was showcasing my first concert. My challenge for the night was the fact that the lighting changed rapidly, and my mirrorless camera struggled to adjust from the change of lights (the advantage of DSLRs I suppose).
Patrick Rose; A Matter of Perspective; For many who know me, I love shooting with Ultra Wide Angle/Fisheye lenses. When I got into photography in 2013, I had a GoPro Hero HD and I wanted to use it as much as possible. In many gigs/events/concert scenarios, it is a challenge to utilise because everything is in the frame. I always have an ultra wide angle/fisheye lens in my kit because it is a reminder of what got me into photography in the first place
Patrick Rose; Bad Llamas in London Street; When I was consulting to my friends about this competition, they suggest I use my photoshoot photos, but a photoshoot with a group of people without instruments would not make the cut. While browsing through my Album “The Best of 2020”, I saw this picture of Jimi & Sammy in London Street in Lyttelton. Jimi & Sammy are in a band called Bad Llamas, and they requested me to do a photoshoot for their adverts, and they decided to play on the piano that rests outside the local Supervalue.
Patrick Rose; My Guitar Gently Burns; Another image that made me question whether this is competition worthy is the fact that this was part of a photoshoot for my friend and his classmates at Ara Jazz School, however the Terms & Conditions says, “The theme covers all photographs with a music theme, including portraiture, live concerts, shows and performances, crowd shots taken in New Zealand.” The story behind this photo is that my best friend (not the guy in this image) bought a Gletch guitar for $600 on Ebay. The guitar sounded like shit, if shit could even sing so he spent another $200 to get it fix only to sound shitter. Prior to this shoot he told me he wanted to smash this guitar on stage, but then decided to set it ablaze.
Patrick Rose; Black Swans Can Sing; Looking back in my album, “The Best of 2019” I saw this image I took of Mariah McKernan as a backup singer for an end of year exam performance at A Rolling Stone. The reason for the Title name is that it reminds me of Natalie Portman’s award winning role in “Black Swan”.
Patrick Rose; Rawr.; Taken on November 07, 2020, I was hired by The Preservatives to showcase their gig at The Darkroom bar with Saint Peter’s Thursday, and Pretty Dumb. Anand Yoganathan is an incredible artist in the Christchurch Music Community, off stage he is one of the nicest people you’ll meet, on stage he’s a force to be reckon as he shreds his guitar with rifts.
tink lockett; festival ready; a series before the festival
tink lockett; festival ready; a series before the festival
tink lockett; festival ready ;a series before the festival
Paul Craze; Play Me!

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