2021 : 09 Lockdown

Dr. Boba Markovic Baluchova; Missing friends from early childhood centre;My daughter Tove Tui misses her friends from early childhood centre
Dr. Boba Markovic Baluchova; Walking the plush toys;My daughter Tove Tui takes her plush toys on a walk around neighborhood
Dr. Boba Markovic Baluchova; A balcony Fairy;My daughter Tove Tui as an isolated Fairy checking the environment from the balcony
Peter Clifford; GOAT
Lisa Maxwell; Grafton Bridge
Andrew Malmo; Reflection of lamp, Queen's Wharf;I love taking photos of reflections in puddles.
Andrew Malmo; Red billed gull in take off, Queen's Wharf;Waited for a while for the take off, quite pleased with the blurred effect.
Andrew Malmo; Victoria Park Flyover in lockdown L4;This cool reflection in a puddle from Beaumont Street in Wynyard Quarter. No cars on the flyover.
Tim Butler Jones; Lockdown; Abstract taken from a walk near a building site
Tim Butler Jones; No Church No KFC; The Church of Stella Maris framed by a closed down KFC entrance
Tim Butler Jones; Awkland; Urban sprawl takes a breather
Theresa Simson; Feeding; As I stood watching this Keraru feeding I couldn't help but think the times that we are going through here in Auckland at Level 4. How lucky we are to still be able to access food easily. To be able to feed our families in some way or another. I also got thinking about the food banks operating and feeling grateful that they are out there helping and making sure everyone has something and no one is left out, like this guy who has come for a visit to feed off this plant. It was just there for him.

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