2021 : 09 Lockdown

Adrienne Miller   Hair we go again; Daughter and dog both in need of a haircut enjoying bubble time
Denise Matene;What can we do mum
Denise Matene;Lock down
Denise Matene;Lock down
Adrienne Miller;Daffodil Day;At home so from the garden together with Diwali lamps and a Turkish gilded bowl   a mush mash of making do
Callena Lewis;Cues ;Waiting on the cue for our shopping
Callena Lewis;More standing;Waiting in the rain for food in curs
Callena Lewis;Vaccine car line;Waiting for our vaccine in the car
Manon Fleurentin;Lockdown daily routine
Pete Galula;Short Time Window;I took this from a hospital window where I work. It was only a matter of time before we plunged into lockdown again. It's a strange time and time either goes fast or slow and often it's anxious to fly out the window, and eager to be free again , free from this virus.
Carolyn  Stewart;Celebrating our health professionals
Kristina Parchomchuk;Empty streets   Ponsonby Rd.

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