2023 : 06 June Alex Mao Youth Award

William Xu;burning paper
Anuke Rnanweera;A man searching for hope;A man going through a recycling bin hoping to find something he can use
Anuke Rnanweera;Contemplating life ;A gentlemen down on luck on Auckland's Queen street
Anuke Rnanweera;I can breath fire;A street performer at britomart as captured by me
Minxi Sun;Untitled
Minxi Sun;Untitled ;Beautiful contrast
Minxi Sun;Light;The light coming through the window of Devonport ferry station and shaped like a window on the ship
Minxi Sun;Before the storm ;Photo taken before the storm hits NZ
Minxi Sun;Happy Wedding ;Tea ceremony
Minxi Sun;Bucket list;An old lady jumped down from sky tower
Anuke Rnanweera;Enjoying a lovely view ;A dogs view of the sea with endless possibilities.
Anuke Rnanweera;Happily monkeying around ;A Tamarin on sitting happily on a log at auckland zoo

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