2023 : 06 June Alex Mao Youth Award

Doujia Liu; Untitled 6
Doujia Liu; Untitled 5
Doujia Liu; Untitled 4
Doujia Liu; Untitled 3
Doujia Liu; Untitled 2
Doujia Liu; Untitled
Johnny de Silva;'Jerome, 2023.'   'I can say, I love you.';Taken as part of my project, ‘I can say, I love you’. These works derived from a realisation that there was a detachment between the young men in my life and their ability to outwardly express their emotions. In an effort to oppose this I used the portrait as an opportunity to explore the intimacy it creates. Trying to instigate a conversation with them, combating the awkwardness emotional expression may bring. Giving space to communicate thoughts that more often than not stay internalized. These conversations in turn not only brought solace to them, but also to myself and my own need for an honest chat in a space free of judgement.
Johnny de Silva;'Jeremy, 2023.'   'I can say, I love you.';
Harriet Graham;Taylors;Overlooking into Taylors Mistake, Christchurch. Shoot on film   Kodak Gold 200
Harriet Graham;42 Steps;Shot on film   Kodak Gold 200. In the side streets of Auckland Centeral
Harriet Graham;Natural Perfection;Looking up from the Veggie patch I saw this lined up perfection.
Harriet Graham;Lonesome Boat

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