2023 : 06 June Alex Mao Youth Award

Hellen Jin;The Winding Lane;A rocky and doomed path.
Alison Fan;Korean Night;Immersed in the magic of Korean Night through my lens
Alison Fan;Taekwondo
Alison Fan;Mae Klong   Train market;Lively chaos and peace of Mae Klong Train Market
Riko Fernandez;homesick;These works are an homage to my asian heritage. As a child I always was embarrassed to be asian as I was surrounded by a lot of western culture. Due to that I lost a lot of myself and growing up there was so many connections and relationship that drifted away. These photographs address my struggle and seperation to that part of myself but also being comfortable now to celebrate that aspect of myself and being proud to be asian.
Riko Fernandez;lost in translation
Riko Fernandez;torned
Chenguang Nie;Fishing
Chenguang Nie;Industry and nature
Chenguang Nie;Two Boys in the beach ;The playfulness of two little boys in the beach
Hellen Jin;Calm Down;After calming down, one realises that separation can sometimes be a relief.
Hellen Jin;Jump;Just jump it!

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