2023 : 06 June Alex Mao Youth Award

Paris Munro;Interior
Paris Munro;Another Monday
Sophie Hansen;Stag In The Fog;A stag in the morning fog.
Sophie Hansen;Stag In The Stars;A stag on a starry night. I used a shutter speed of 10 seconds to capture the stars, which was difficult as I had to hold the stags attention long enough so that he wasn't blurred in the photo. It took a lot of practice shots but eventually I got one.
Weitong Li;Land Guardian;As the home of China's ethnic minorities, Kunming has a rich and diverse culture. Elephant trainer is like the guardians of the elephant. And the elephant is like this colourful land.
Abby Cullinan;Dramatic Tree;This gives you a spooky feeling because of the dramatic sky, the channel of light on the water and the spikiness of the dead tree.
Abby Cullinan;Geometric Flax;This is a geometric shape which is doubled by the reflection and it has a lot of contrast.
Sophie Hansen;Crystal Clear Rural Sky;The milky way shining over the trees on our farm.
Sophie Hansen;Bath Time;A Paradise Shelduck having a bath on the pond with the autumn leaves behind her.
Abby Cullinan;3D Hot Poker;This picture has a joyful feeling with the colourful shades, the spiky texture and it looks 3D.
Reanna Hinds;Beachcombing;My family and I love to have competitions.  A common one is “who can find the prettiest shell” along Ohope beach.  This is my mother deep in concentration as she searches for that perfect specimen!
Shafeek Allie;Fog;early morning light

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