2023 : 06 June Alex Mao Youth Award

Reanna Hinds;Skimming;Capturing the beautiful combination of the sunset, the water and my dad skimming stones at the Mangere Bridge waterfront.
Shafeek Allie;Rough seas;Tawharanui storm
Abby Cullinan;Sunset Web;This gives you a spooky feeling with the blood red sunset, the spooky web and the tear droplets.
Reanna Hinds;The Heart of the Ocean;I enjoyed taking photos of the ocean while I was on holiday in the Catlins. I was so excited when I looked at the photos afterwards that the splash from the waves in this picture had formed a heart shape.
Sophie Hansen;Man's Best friend;Brave, loyal working dogs Ash and Teddy help draft bulls in the yards on a cold, foggy, morning.
Abby Cullinan;Adventure Valley;I LOVE looking at this valley and seeing the depth from small mountain ranges to gigantic giving the feeling of the adventure to be had.
Abby Cullinan;Spooky Spider;The fine white web lines can give the impression of a spider swimming with the web being the expanding ripples.
Sophie Hansen;Playful;As we entered the coromandel harbor on our boat a pod of dolphins joined us as I took photos from above on the bow.
Abby Cullinan;The Shag;The light, colours and texture can be seen clearly on the shag’s wings and this is nicely contrasted against the soft soothing water.
Junwei Li;Afternoon
Reanna Hinds;Freedom;There is freedom and peace in the flight of a bird.
Junwei Li;Focus

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