2023 : 06 June Alex Mao Youth Award

Junwei Li;Mirror
Junwei Li;Spying
Junwei Li;Swimming Upstream
Sophie Hansen;Tangled;A shag tangled up in fishing line. I spotted this shag on a beach at Mount Maunganui, he had nylon and hooks wrapped right around his body, a hook in his mouth and a sinker tangled around his feet. I took a few photos and then, with the help of a few fishermen, caught the shag and cut him free.
Junwei Li;The ONE
Reanna Hinds;Isolation ;This photo was taken at the very end of the south island, where the land meets the sea,  looking out into the wide open ocean that surrounds New Zealand, giving the photo a feel of remoteness and isolation.
Reanna Hinds;Trinity ;On an everyday eastern beach I found these three shells. I love the contrast of their beauty against the rich brown colour of the wood.
Reanna Hinds;Wairaka   The Lady on the Rock;Wairaka symbolises power and tenacity because she was a spirited young teenager  who saved the lives of others in her waka. Here I captured a cheeky bird landing on her head.
Karla Tremain;A Blossom's Inner Glow;In a world adorned with vibrant hues, an orange hibiscus flower emerges as a captivating emblem of nature's radiant splendor. This striking photograph, with its tightly cropped focus on the delicate petals and fresh raindrops, radiates a warmth, and invites us into its  depths, to discover what lies deeper.
Karla Tremain;Bursting out of the blackness;Bursting out of the blackness a single red rose bursts forth with timeless elegance, commanding attention against a blurred background.  The blurred background lends an air of mystery, as if the rose stands as a beacon of vibrant beauty.
Karla Tremain;Enchanting Autumn Embrace;In this enchanting autumn embrace, a red oak leaf takes centre stage, surrounded by a beautiful backdrop of backlit yellowy oak leaves, evidencing the eventual transition over time. Inviting you to appreciate the changing seasons, and change overall, as all things must change.
Reanna Hinds;Imperfection;I enjoyed taking photos of the essence of autumn and capturing this pear with all its imperfections. I love how the red in the pear matches the red in the autumn leaves in the background.

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