2024 : 05 May 2024 Aotearoa Music Photo Award

Samantha Davies; Jonas Brothers at Spark Arena                     Doug Peters; Taylor Swift - Mt Smart - 2018

People's Choice Prize 2024 winners -

Samantha Davies, Jonas Brothers - Spark Arena, Feb                                  Doug Peters - Taylor Swift - Mt Smart, Auckland 2018

Rachel Matthews; Highly Suspect;Highly Suspect Trusts arena 2023

Rachel Matthews;Incubus;Incubus Trusts arena 2024

Rachel Matthews; Napalm Death;Napalm Death Galatos

Fraser Thompson;Mandate at YOURS

Fraser Thompson;Night at the Crown;Depicts legendary Dunedin venue the Crown Hotel on a typical Saturday night

Fraser Thompson;Blood Cauldron at U Bar Pint Night

Fraser Thompson;Vorsen at Dive

Fraser Thompson;Mount Eerie at Dive

Fraser Thompson;Mud Death in Atheneum Basement

Fraser Thompson;Earth Tongue at Feastock 24

Scott Yeoman;A gig in a hut;New Zealand troubadour Monty Bevins, for more than 10 years now, has played gigs all over the country. Hundreds of them. In tiny town halls, pubs, sports clubs, cafes, in lounges and back yards, on ferries, in theatres and hotels, in breweries, ski fields, village greens, and just about every other kind of venue imaginable. But never in a hut.

Scott Yeoman;Monty Bevins in Meadow Hut;At this particular moment, high on the Pisa Range, more than a thousand metres above sea level, there are only two sources of sound. There is the fireplace and there is the man in the light. His voice is raw, stripped back. There is no static or feedback coming from a microphone or amp because there is no microphone or amp. There is no electricity. No cell phone coverage. No distractions. Just a single bulb powered by the sun, a guitar, and a man singing his first song of the night.

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