2022 : 05 May 2022 Youth Photo Award

Nancy Wu;Our living room;This is a photo from my series of work which explore the theme of life as an immigrant family in New Zealand and the importance of remembering your roots.
Nancy Wu;Migration;Although my parents moved to New Zealand close to two decades ago there are still fragments on our home that reflect their homeland and their journey from China to New Zealand. The birds symbolize migration and the exciting adventure that follows
Nancy Wu;The vase
Nancy Wu;Light and shadow
Nancy Wu;Evergreen
Nancy Wu;The Wintergardens
Sonia Zhang;Consolation after exhaustion;I was never a fan of hiking, in fact, I never understand why people like it. However, this photo that was taken in 2021 in a family hiking trip captured the first thing that I saw when I reached to the mountain top after 8 hours of hiking has forever changed my thought. I was deeply astonished and touched by this meticulous scenery and felt the genuine accomplishment and enjoyment of hiking for the first time.
Sonia Zhang;Light from distance;A photo that reminds me of hope and the feeling of coming home.
Sonia Zhang;Vicissitudes;A Friday afternoon after class. Looking at these people crossing by, living in their own little world and going in different directions in life. It might be the last time they bump into each other and never see them again.
Eva Bennett;My City Block
Eva Bennett;shine
Zara Cornwell;Fading light;Fading light at the end of the day, as my Nana closes her living room curtains.

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