2022 : 05 May 2022 Youth Photo Award

Jared Aschmann; Just One More;This is a series photograph from my school portfolio about the youths addictions to abusive substances. This series displays a person creating an excuses to continue with what he is doing, with the subject in denial of there own addiction
Jared Aschmann; Untitled ;This is a photograph from my school portfolio about youths addiction towards abusive substances. this photo shows how an addiction of such nature can blur out a persons identity and become inescapable
Felicia Duque; My Neighbour's Horse;I live in a relatively recently developed area, however my neighbours seem to have resisted selling their property to developers. It's a funny, but welcome, juxtaposition   an open green field with grazing horses surrounded by the monotony of suburbia.
Felicia Duque; My Jason
Felicia Duque; Olivia and Her Ice Cream
Felicia Duque; Thames, Coromandel
Hannah Dunk; Left for Dead; This photo of this abandoned bus explores my idea of thing being left behind by humanity. Even with a sad topic, I try to make the object seem alive more than dead and abandoned. I want to paint a story behind each object I find in nature.
Francesca Ayers; Corax in the bath
Kellie Masiutama; Aroha;Aroha is portrait I find to be a powerful statement piece for all woman in power. We are only as strong as our Tīpuna was. We are fierce, empowering and Proud.
Kellie Masiutama; He taonga tuku iho.;
Kellie Masiutama; Wahine Toa;
Francesca Ayers;washing

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