2020 : 03 Lockdown

Fiona Kelly; Lockout Long White Cloud; The air at Long Bay Beach seems clearer since the Lockout.
Sam Rogers; A Lonely Road
Tracy Norton; Precautions
Fiona Kelly; No Playing Allowed
Fiona Kelly; The new way we wash our veges;Just finished washing all the fruit and veges in soapy water and then rinsing them off.
Sam Rogers; Waterfront   Manukau
Bimsara Ranaweera; Angel; Taken on 08th day of locked down
Mike Williams; Rich teddy
Manon Fleurentin; Takacat; The name of the dinghy, says it all. While lockdown at the mairina, we take the cat for walks.
Manon Fleurentin; Puss in Boats; We’ve adopted a cat 8 month ago from SPCA, now he owns the Marina.
Bimsara Ranaweera; Come what may; Taken on 08th day of locked down
Pat Norton; Friendly supervisor ; For that feeling of security

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