Assoc Professor Oh Soon-Hwa, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in an exclusive presenation on - Project title: Quiet Dream:
My Quiet Dream series consists of narrative portrait photographs. This series took place in and near a small Island in the Mekong Delta nicknamed “Taiwanese Island” where many young women have married foreigners such as Taiwanese or Korean men and left their homeland to get a better life and provide some financial support back home in order to maintain a “good daughter status”. The narrative is about these young women’s decisions about marriage and their dream to somewhat fit with some expectations on them under traditional Asian familial values based on a patriarchal family structure.
This photographic essay explores the beauty and the serenity of the environment surrounding these women who are expected to leave behind what is part of their identity, which includes the landscapes, the climate, the language, the family, the friends, the traditions and the way of living, and build a new life where everything is foreign. It shows the high risks and sacrifices these young women are expected to bear.
This project re-looks at women’s conditions and lives in our complex cultural, social, and religious system. It reveals our society more than women as the other gender.
Thanks to Asia NZ Foundation.
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