Frequently Asked Questions - Auckland Photo Day - 2025

Q: How do I send in my photos?
A. Please submit jpg entries through the Photo Submission page, file size should not exceed 20mb for all 3 entries. Filename should be the title, i.e The Cat. Our system automatically saves the image with your name so make sure the correct details of who you are have been filled out. See terms and conditions.

Q: When can I start sending in my photos?
A. The submission page is only available after midnight on the day of Auckland Photo Day so any early birds taking photo's from midnight can start sending in their entries. No photo's taken before the day can be submitted. There will be a link on the Auckland Photo Day page of the Festival website for your entries.

Q: Can I take photos of anything?
A. The photos and video must have been taken in Auckland region on the day (between midnight and midnight). Work should capture the theme of Auckland Photo Day which is "Your Day in Auckland".

Q: Can I edit the photos in any way?
A. As long as the actual photographic image was taken and created on Auckland Photo Day, an image can be digitally enhanced, manipulated, edited, after then.

Q: Can I use any type of photography?
A. Yes, but entries must be sent in as digital files, preferably jpegs at 300dpi and minumum 1-2mb.

Q: Can I send in only 1 photo?
A.You can enter up to 3 photo entries per person. And one moving image entry per person.

Q: How do you know if the photo was taken on the actual day?
A. Embedded meta data, and a range of visual checks such as weather, lighting and of course our judge's check!

Q: Can anyone participate?
A. Yes, it is an open access, public competition, anyone with access to an imaging device is encouraged to take part.

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