Terms and Conditions

conditions of entry - still image
Opens: 12am Sat 8 June 2024
Closes: 5pm Fri 14 June 2024

Please submit .jpg online entries only: NO POSTAL ENTRIES PLEASE. 

  1. You must be the copyright owner and the photo must be taken on 08 June 2024. Photos taken before or after the 08 June 2024 will be disqualified. At this time 100% AI created images are ineligible as you need to have taken your image in person in the Auckland region on 8 June 2024.
  2. You agree not to submit your new photos taken on Auckland Photo Day entries into any other photo/art competition before 30 September 2024.
  3. The photos must be submitted via the Festival website (minimum 300 dpi, approx. file size 2 - 8Mb, if one file is too large i.e. 20mb it will not be able to be submitted). The Photo Submission page will be available from midnight 08 June 2024 not before. Any photos taken on film must be printed and scanned and submitted by digital entry via the Festival website. Please save the files with your name and title of the photograph. e.g. JHarrisUntitled
  4. Entries are limited to 3 photo entries per person.
  5. The photos must have been taken in Auckland region on 08 June 2024. (between midnight and midnight).
  6. The finalists will be required to outline the background of the photograph for promotional purposes.
  7. Entries to be received before 5pm on 14 June 2024.
  8. Work should capture the theme of Auckland Photo Day which is  "Your Day in Auckland".
  9. Copyright will remain with the photographer, however by entry for selection the owner irrevocably licenses the Auckland Festival of Photography Trust non-exclusive right to publish the photograph or arrange publication through third parties in any form or media to promote the competition and exhibition in all territories now and in perpetuity. And be managed as part of the Auckland Photo Day photo archive for publication.
  10. Submitted/emailed images will not be returned to entrants. Entrants are advised to retain copies of their images.
  11. Entrants must provide contact details - name, address, phone and email and title of the photograph/s.
  12. Judges decision is final.
  13. If you send in any photos which have been taken on any other day than 08 June 2024 you will be disqualified.
  14. No members of the Festival team or sponsorship partners are eligible to enter.

Opens: Thurs 20 June 2024
Closes: 5pm Wed 26 June 2024
  1. The shortlisted images selected by the independent judges of the competition will be online from Thurs 20 June 2024 for online voting in the People's Choice.
  2. Multiple voting by one person or from one IP address is not permitted, it's one person one vote per photo. Duplicate votes will be disqualified.
  3. The winner will be announced based the highest individual number of legitimate votes as determined by our website service provider, NZ Internet Services Ltd.
  4. The winners number of votes may appear to be less than the highest number showing due to duplicate or multiple voting, all of these extra votes will be deducted. Please don’t vote a zillion times for one photo it wont work and ultimately it take us more time to assess the real winner. No correspondence will be entered into.
  5. The decision of the Auckland Festival of Photography Trust is final.

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